Friday, December 13, 2013

Self-Driving Cars?

It is almost the year 2014 and technology is advancing quickly. Many things are advancing in technological  like phones, tablets, televisions, and cars. As years go on, car technology is advancing pretty rapidly and cars are now nearing being able to drive themselves. The car company Ford has created a self parking car that no one has seen before. There have been other car companies who have achieved assisted parallel parking but not like Ford has done.
       Mercedes- Benz is has created technology that has the car correct the driver when driving if the driver is not in the center of the driving lane. It simply just slowly moves the car in whichever direction the car needs to be to be in the center of the lane.
       With all this new car technology we are slowly coming to an age where cars will be doing the driving for us while we can sit back and brew our cappuccinos. That's right, the car company Fiat has created a cappuccino maker in their cars. You can brew them while the car is in park but not while you are driving.
      Self- driving cars will get rid of a lot of accidents and will get rid of who is at fault for the accident. Technology is rising rapidly, it will be very interesting to see if we will actually to make full self driving cars. A lot of people will probably be against the idea but a lot will be for it as well. What do you think?

2014 Olympic Hockey Tournament

          With the 2014 winter Olympics coming in the next couple months it means that so is the Olympic hockey tournament. Last year Canada beat U.S.A. 3-2 in overtime. Weeks before this game the Americans beat the Canadians 5-3, but the American team couldn't win in the gold medal game. The American team this year is looking for a little revenge against the Canadians. While the U.S.A. coaches are still making final cuts for the final team, many young players are hoping to make the team. One of them being T.J. Oshie, a foward for the St. Louis Blues. 
         The 26 year-old American hockey player was born in Washington, but played for Warroad Minnesota's high school team in high school days. He attended the University of North Dakota and played hockey for them as well. 

Coaches have taken much more notice of him as of late. This season has been his season yet; he has 4 goals and 23 assists in 30 games played this year. Almost averaging a point per game. He is a fast player that can also lay some good hits. He is really hoping to make this years team with a few other hopefuls as well. U.S.A. is looking to beat whoever gets in their way to win the gold this year, with new players coming in and a lot of veterans staying, they have a good shot at winning the gold this year. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Miley Cyrus Nominated for Person of the Year

Miley Cyrus is One of the finalist for Time Magazine's Person of the Year. Really you have got to be kidding me. Is there not anyone else that out there. This is what people are voting for:
Or this:
 really people.
I don't care what people might think of me, but this is someone that should be last on the list. Someone that no one can control; not even her parents can control her. I don't want my kids to watch anyone like this. What happen to the Miley everyone love. Noiw that Miley should be nominated. 

New generation of Christmas

Christmas time is again and  kids are focused on making  there list for Santa and he will decide weather you receive gifts or not depending on if your naughty or nice. The parents are spending there last and bill money  to make sure the kids are happy and that Santa does provide toys and other gifts. It seems like this generation has lost touch of what Christmas is all about. It has become more of a materialistic holiday, rarely do you see any houses decorated with lights and other holiday spirit decorations. This should be the time when families get together and decorate, enjoy carols, and to tell children stories of Jesus. I don't to much like teaching kids a whole lot about Santa, I mean its okay to know who he is, but I think I would prefer to take credit for spending my hard worked money on buying their presents. I miss the days when I was younger we had family, food, singing , and now my family are all telling me what they want as a gift.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Should Athletes Have A Respected Workload?

After doing a little research on a few football players for my fantasy football team i came across some really weird results on some of the football players. Not only are these football players in the NFL and are star athletes but it talked about there past so i was interested and read a little. Studies show that 4 out of 5 athletes that attend school mainly struggle with workloads because they are athletes. Not only do i struggle personally but it became  a huge interest that i looked into.

So personally this semester at Century College i was playing soccer for the mens team which required every week day of training and other weekend days for games. But not only did i play soccer but i also had a part time job at a pizza shop while at school in order to pay for school. Soccer was a very serious playing field this year considering we went to nationals and i was extremely lucky to be able to receive an All-American Award which will hopefully pay off in the future with school. During that time i was working part time at a pizza shop trying to earn enough money to pay off school which is why im here writing this blog in the first place. I always know that school comes first but when you have to mentally put a focus on multiple things like school, work and soccer things begin to get very stressful. I struggled a lot my first semester for school but when the only way to pay for school is through working at part time job and hopefully a soccer scholarship in the future, then that's all i can do.

This article on sports illustrated showed that athletes not only can exceed a higher level of thinking but the 4 out of 5 that usually struggle with school workload and sports are proven to be more effective than the average student when they received the same amount of time as the other average students. That isnt only interesting but could be a true thing in the future that schools have looked into, actually editing due dates and workloads according to the amount of time spent to put into their sports.
I know i wouldn't mind this idea. Any other thoughts or questions?

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Caution with taking Picture on your Smart Phone!

Almost all people have smart phone but do you know every time you use smart phone to take your picture, and it tell you where you are. A lot of people post their photo in Facebook, Tweeter, Photobucket or online. It will take the risk to tell other people where you are and what are you doing? Most people did not realize they can put their family or friends into a danger zone. People can just click on your photo and it will tell the location where you are. The picture will give people the Latitude and Longitude. This storage data is called Geotagging. A smart phone automate add geolocation information to the pictures at the time they are taken. Most people don't forget that the action of automatic geotagging takes place on their smart phones. People forget that because of it is enabled by default, not exposed the user as an option, or was asked and then forgotten. Do you think this is too much information or to much of your privacy to give to outside people that you don’t know. I think it too much information to give to the world to know what are you doing and where you at. In this case if you don’t want other people to see where you are while you taking picture with your friends or family and put your picture in the social media. You can go to fix the setting on your smart phone.  

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cyber Monday Dissapointment?

Cyber Monday Dissapointment?
The once a year trend that almost every one loves to take a part in is BLACK FRIDAY and CYBER MONDAY.
Black Friday
This years trends seemed to be utterly dissapointing to many people. I went out on Black Friday and there was a very large decrease in people that i saw compared from this year to last. It has been the first decrease in Black Friday shoppers since 2009. But is that because of Cyber Monday? For those of you who do not know what Cyber Monday is, it is the Monday after Black Friday for people to shop online and get the same deals that they had in store on Black Friday. Also other online websites that only sell online take advantage of the sales opportunity too. But this Cyber Monday seemed to have also placed a huge dissapointment to shoppers. The average deal for shoppers on most websites we to get free shipping and that was the Cyber Monday deal.  
Post image for Snorg Tees have a disappointing Cyber Monday offer
 This year was by far the worst year for black friday/ cyber monday shoppers. So hope for a better shopping day next year shoppers!!