Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Caution with taking Picture on your Smart Phone!

Almost all people have smart phone but do you know every time you use smart phone to take your picture, and it tell you where you are. A lot of people post their photo in Facebook, Tweeter, Photobucket or online. It will take the risk to tell other people where you are and what are you doing? Most people did not realize they can put their family or friends into a danger zone. People can just click on your photo and it will tell the location where you are. The picture will give people the Latitude and Longitude. This storage data is called Geotagging. A smart phone automate add geolocation information to the pictures at the time they are taken. Most people don't forget that the action of automatic geotagging takes place on their smart phones. People forget that because of it is enabled by default, not exposed the user as an option, or was asked and then forgotten. Do you think this is too much information or to much of your privacy to give to outside people that you don’t know. I think it too much information to give to the world to know what are you doing and where you at. In this case if you don’t want other people to see where you are while you taking picture with your friends or family and put your picture in the social media. You can go to fix the setting on your smart phone.  


  1. Coming from someone who still doesn't have a smartphone, I see where you are coming from. I understand that in a way you can put your family or yourself in harm by letting people know where you are, but in most cases I know that you can turn off the feature onto where you are and what you are doing. in most cases, people don't think about it, but I for sure would never let my current location be on just for that reason.

  2. yes that's why I make sure to turn off the GPS location its scary to know that any one can just find you and know were your exact location is. I feel the government plays a big role in this they are trying so hard to absolute control over everyone.

  3. I agree with you. Now a day when something is posted, usually it will automatically show and tell where and when you posted something. And this little information given can obviously be a bad thing. It can be from someone trying to stalk you or maybe other bad consequences.
