Thursday, December 12, 2013

New generation of Christmas

Christmas time is again and  kids are focused on making  there list for Santa and he will decide weather you receive gifts or not depending on if your naughty or nice. The parents are spending there last and bill money  to make sure the kids are happy and that Santa does provide toys and other gifts. It seems like this generation has lost touch of what Christmas is all about. It has become more of a materialistic holiday, rarely do you see any houses decorated with lights and other holiday spirit decorations. This should be the time when families get together and decorate, enjoy carols, and to tell children stories of Jesus. I don't to much like teaching kids a whole lot about Santa, I mean its okay to know who he is, but I think I would prefer to take credit for spending my hard worked money on buying their presents. I miss the days when I was younger we had family, food, singing , and now my family are all telling me what they want as a gift.

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