Monday, November 18, 2013

The One That Lied Its Way

What kind of person would call their own child ugly, and be horrified with they way their child look?

Jian Feng, a Chinese man successfully sues his wife for being ugly, after he had found out that she had undergone $100,000 worth of plastic surgery.

Jian Feng had started accusing his wife of infidelity after the birth of their daughter, because he said he could never be the father to an unattractive child. Jian told Irish News "I married my wife out of love , but as soon as we had our first daughter, we began having marital issues. Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me." But after DNA tests proving that he was the father, his wife finally came clean and admitted to having about $100,000 worth of surgery done to herself in South Korea before they ever met.

Feng sued his wife for not telling him the truth about the plastic surgery and duping him to believe that she was beautiful. A judge agreed and ordered her to grant him $120,000.

Yes although she should have came clean before they ever got married, who would have known the outcomes of the child's appearance. There's no control over how the kid would turn out to be. Two very beautiful people could "have" a not so attractive looking child together and vise versa.

Winning that $120,000 wouldn't help with the fact that he has an "ugly" kid. 

What would you have done if you found out your spouse had plastic surgery to make her/him more attractive? 

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