Friday, November 15, 2013

Get Off Your Phone!

 Do you want to know one of the things that irritates me more than anything? Rude people who continue their phone conversations while they are in a check out line. I don't care if it's the most low class store ever or not, it's rude. I see it all of the time. Actually, I used to experience this far too much when I worked at Target when seven years ago. I would have people come through my line and have the nerve to tell ME to "hang on". I would seriously think "oh, I'm sorry...I thought I was the one assisting you, can't you make the phone call at another time"? I obviously never said any of that out loud but I sure wanted to.

I see it happen on a daily basis; even at the gas station. Are we that obsessed with our phones that we can't even put a call on hold for a few seconds to do a transaction with the cashier? As much as I love my cell phone, I do not text or talk on it while I am in line or when it's my turn to check out. Maybe it's just from working at a place that I would have people do this to me all the time that made me get so angry about it. Another place I see it at is subway. Okay, you are ordering a sandwich and they are kindly asking you what you would like on it but you put your finger out and say "hang on a second"...umm, what? I don't think that's very considerate.

Really, I just want to yell at the people I see doing this. Unless it's an emergency, get off your phone! Does this bother you or do you see it and just think nothing of it?





  1. I agree. It's very rude to be on your phone while your in line somewhere, or even walking through the isles and you're not paying attention to what is going on around you. Some people, I tell you.

  2. i like this one. real i did. thanks ! i do not do again.
