Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Los Angeles stops giving student's iPad's

A few months ago the Los Angeles school district plans to invest one billion dollars to give each student an iPad. They decided to put the plan on beta and used $30 million of tax money to fund for the iPads.
 The school is spending about $700 on each iPad, while the original retail price is $499 since the iPad's are equipped with educational software. They gave iPads to 25,000 students and more than 300 students were able to bypass the security and access social networking sites and blocked websites.

The school board members honestly thought that giving iPads to every student will help them with their education. The school is wasting the $30 million of tax money for the iPads. A teacher comments that their investment will lead the district to be bankrupted and their will be 40-50 students in a classroom and there won't be enough staff to help them. A school is nothing without teachers and counselors. Students rely on them to help them with their futures. The classrooms are getting more packed as years go by and old schools have to fit over 30 desk in a small room. Remodeling schools or building more schools should be more important than iPads. Being trapped in a crowded classroom for an hour is not worth than having an iPad.

iPads could be helpful for students in schools, but the average mentality of a teenager is to use an iPad to do teenage things like play games, Facebook and more. An iPad adds a distraction in my opinion. It's like using a computer while doing homework. People tend to avoid homework and continue browsing Facebook or play video games and get sidetracked.

Technology is a big part of our lives now and its good to introduce it to kids at an early age, but kids just wanna have fun. Schools should just stick with computers. They're easier to control and not easily breakable. Tablets will be in schools one day, but now is not the time.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your point, to an extent. Until technology can be better utilized for actual educational value, it should not be explicitly given for said purpose. However, that being said, I think there is real value in using various technologies to better education. A computer is no better in terms of distractions than an iPad. Besides, if the kids want to screw around, let them. By high school one should realize that education is important to having any future at all, and if they don't, hey, we always need poor people!
