Thursday, November 14, 2013

My Obsession With "The Walking Dead"

    Ok so I know I'm not alone when I say I absolutely love The Walking Dead! This television series has become a part of our culture when it comes to the zombie craze. I know there are some people who want nothing to do with the show, I know I was one of the people who thought it was a stupid idea to make a series about zombies. I thought they only belonged in movies and nothing else. I mean how you could turn something with that idea into something people would actually watch.

     Well I was home bored one day and knew I wanted to watch something slightly different. I saw that the whole first season was available on On Demand; this was shortly before the second season began, and I figured eh why not give it a try? I literally sat on the couch and didn't move. I loved the concept of being able to see how there were actually survivors when the zombie apocalypse began. There were people who had relationships, came from different backgrounds, people who experienced a lot of loss. It was way different from seeing a whole bunch of people being eaten and turned into zombies. Yeah you had people get caught up and get into trouble but it wouldn’t be much of a show without the zombies doing what they do best.

    There are characters that eventually go from thinking about what’s right to thinking about the best way to survive. My favorite character has  gone from being Rick to Daryl, Rick has lost his sense of being a leader, but it’s mainly because he feels like he’s been responsible for a lot of bad things that have occurred. When you watch this show you feel emotionally connected to these characters and it makes you think about whether or not you could make some of the decisions they’re forced to ultimately make. It's more of in depth view of the sacrifices everyone has to make.
Not only do survivors have to deal with zombies as a threat overtime they have to deal with other enemies: other humans, a man from the CDC, The Governor, and a flu outbreak amongst other things. They even end up being betrayed by a few in their own group. The point is in a way this series brings reality into the equation. Personally I don't think I'll ever get tired of the show. That's just my opinion what's yours?


  1. My husband watches this show every Sunday. He is so obsessed that he wants to be one of the zombies in the show. He has watched every single episodes, since season one.

  2. I totally agree with you about never getting tired of the show! The show always has so much suspense each episode. Walking Dead always has so much surprises and twists in each episode that make you feel shocked and disbelief. I think the reason why this show is so popular is because of how different and unique it is compared to most of the other shows that are on T.V. I think people love watching Walking Dead because of all the zombies and mysterious if they actually exist or not. I think the situation with all of the Zombies taking over the world interests a lot of people because I think most people imagine that scenario in their head if they were fighting to survive against zombies.

  3. AGREED! My family meets up every Sunday just to keep up with the Walking Dead ! Even though I hate the gory blood scenes, I find myself not minding it too much on this show!

  4. I too also agree!! My family is so obsessed with this show! They never used to watch it, but ever since its been on Netflix they've been watching it everymorning before school and everynight. They finished the whole season within a week. And it gets so crazy my sister has dreams about zombies!
