Tuesday, November 12, 2013


In the United States of America, most of us are under the impression that all people are created equal. Apparently, "created equal" means we all have rights granted to us. One could come to acknowledge that this is not the case. In fact, there are a certain group of people among us who not only have the same rights promised to the average person, but also have rights some of us did not even know were rights to begin with! This group of people breathe how we breathe, bleed how we bleed, sleep how we sleep, blink, think, walk, talk, everything we can do, they can do... Only better! This group is known as "celebrities." Celebrities seemingly can get away with anything! ANYTHING! How or why these celebs get away with the same illegal activities that could land the average Joe in prison!You might want examples, right?

How about that "Two and a Half Men" star who is known to do cocaine at various upscale hotels? The Feds can just turn the television onto TMZ and already have enough evidence to get any judge to grant them a search warrant, but they'd rather break into houses in the underprivileged communities across America, assuming everyone who is poor does drugs!

How about that creepy singer (R.I.P) who was accused TWICE of having sexual intercourse with young boys? Even a false rumor about a non-celebrity molesting children could (and definitely would) ruin his/her life entirely.

What about that rich chick who has been caught several times with possession of narcotics, yet she is not serving time in prison. Is it because her daddy owns overpriced hotels? The cops are too busy busting into "suspected" criminals' homes instead of actually nabbing proven law-breakers.

For the most part, we can't comprehend why these celebrities do what they do. What makes even less sense is why these celebrities are allowed to get away with what they do!

1 comment:

  1. I agree.It seems weird that the average person would get in trouble (prison or jail) for the bad things that they do or get caught doing such as illegal drugs. I don't feel like it is right that just because someone is famous they have the right to get away with doing things. I guess they are seen differently and put higher on the scale because of all that success that a famous person has gotten while in their position of "power." I liked how you used different examples such as Charlie Sheen and Michael Jackson to tell the different things that famous people get away with. It puts a harder strain on the average person and what cops think that they are doing with their time, which usually isn't what they are spending time on. It seems that stereotypes are easier to develop that way.
