Thursday, November 14, 2013


Recently a bunch of teenagers from New Jersey created a new street game called "knockout". The purpose of this game is one of the buddies out the group dares another buddy to randomly punch ANYBODY to see how hard they can punch and knock them out. There has been videos of the knockout game caught on tape. One of the victims was a teacher walking through I believe an alley as one of the members of the group quickly knock him out as his head smashes onto the curb. At the end of the video it also shows what it seems to me a lady getting knocked out cold from behind.  

What do you guys think our society has become to? Is it getting better? What's going through these teen's minds? I mean if you want to act hard to prove it should be in a fair match isn't it? I guess like they said it's a macho game. Seeing innocent people getting hurt in the wrong way is a disappointment. We tried and still are avoiding such crimes or troubles. Seems like everything is getting worst. Seems like the world has become ignorant to the point where nobody sees the outcome and consequences. I guess people enjoy dropping the soap. What people don't understand in today's society is the right to carry a gun also. Please be careful where you're walking. Take a second and look around. These kind of games can start far away in another state and end up in your own hometown. 


  1. Wow I haven't seen that yet. That is some punk a$$ $h!t... Like you said there is no tuff ness in that.they wouldn't do that to some one that stood up to them I bet. I remember the saying "pick on someone your own size". Why they have to find someone that is caught off guard....I soooo dare them to go up to a gang member and do that.then they can say they have a little toughness in

  2. The behavior that those kids were demonstrating in front of the camera clearly shows their attitude toward this game "Knock-Out". What 'fun-and-games' to them now could result in extreme punishment later down the road. For such a game to be played in public that affects not only them but the general public is absurd. Which is even more absurd is that they not only target a certain group but the attack anybody they see walking down the street. This kind of behaviors questions their moral believes. Would they have done it if it was a child? What kind of punishment should be put upon these teenagers? Questions like these are thought upon while watching the video.
