Thursday, November 14, 2013

LGBTQ: Impacts and Effects

Back then everyone was straight, or so it was believed, and if they weren't, no one had the slightest clue. But in today's society, a personal life is no longer guaranteed. Your business, your life, is no longer yours. One way or another, everything is let out. It may not be nation wide, but it is public. It seems to be that being in the closet is no longer a struggle like it used to be. People tend to be more open and less discouraged. So let's state the obvious of LGBTQ:

L--Lesbian: women attracted to women. 
G--Gay: men attracted to men. 
B--Bisexual: men or women attracted to both women and men. 
T--Transgender: someone whose gender identity and/or expression differ from conventional expectations for their physical birth sex. 
Q--Queer: an individual who does not identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, but comfortable with "queer."

The LGBTQ community is so diverse now. Although, respected and disrespected, majority of the LGBTQ no longer care about what others have to say. In our nation, the rights of the LGBTQ is greatly stressed. They all want to have the same rights as normal, regular couples do--they want to marry. 

Our generation is slowly accepting the thought and the idea of LGBTQ. 

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