Sunday, November 17, 2013

Popping flicks of your food

One thing I really dislike is when you are going out on a date, or hanging out with friends and they  are taking pictures of their food and posting them on Insta Gram or Facebook . Most of the time the food don't look to appealing.   When you are on a date that would be  the worst in the middle of a meal and the other person is popping flicks. They are more worried about how many likes they will get instead of if there date likes them.  I have never experience this on a date myself but if it was to ever occur I would get up leave. Social media has truly taken over peoples lives. People cant put there phones away for 1hour to enjoy a meal.  Some of my friends are guilty of It and I drives absolutely crazy and it is embarrassing as well. I know it can be great advertisement for companies but it has it can be a little extra.

1 comment:

  1. I have an Instagram, mainly for art purposes, and I do see friends constantly post pictures of food. It drives me nuts. It's like they're shoving food at my face or something. Get out of my face food. No one wants to eat you right now.
