Today, a lot of popular music is
Here's a picture from Young Money's song "Bed Rock" which has over 100 million views on Youtube. |
demeaning to women. Popular artists like Kanye West or Lil Wayne. In Jay-Z's song 99 Problems, he refers to women in a disrespectful manner by saying "I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one." A lot of music also displays women as sex objects. It seems to be rare that music emphasizes a women's personality or intelligence over just their physical appearance or beauty. It's not always a man's fault for this though, many times, female artists will promote themselves when they're on covers of magazines, with pictures that are clearly revealing or sexualized. Why should someone who's on the cover of Rolling Stone for their music be half-naked?
Another problem is what music see as an "independent women." The way music defines "independent" is narrow, materialistic and greedy. They say that women who are independent are able to pay their own bills or buy themselves fancy clothes or cars, but independence doesn't only refer to money. Independence means being able to support yourself in all ways, whether that be financially or emotionally.
I agree that hip-hop music sometimes demeans woman by calling them "bitches" or "hoes" this is sending the message to fans that its okay to disrespect females. Woman should be treated with respect and Artists such as Drake do a great job of doing so. His music mostly focuses on love and relationships. I also agree that women shouldnt define themselves as independent just because they dont need a man to buy them anything but also because they dont need emotionall support from a man. An idependent woman supports herself not only finacially but emotionally too.