Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ps4 Vs. Xbox One

Throughout the years, gaming has becoming larger than was ever thought possible. With new consoles coming out every generation or so, there is no sign of gaming slowing down, but only getting bigger. Generations, companies like Microsoft and Sony have produced the newest and best products keeping themselves as the lead rivals for the gaming world. Both companies have given us the latest in their consoles called Xbox One for Microsoft and also Sony's new PS4 (Play Station 4).

Bigger than ever before would just be a simple phrase to use to describe how powerful these new consoles have become. Slim and futuristic like, these consoles have definitely raised the bar in the competetion.

Every gamer has their own opinion on what's the best between the two, but honestly, they both have their advantages and disadvantages. The Microsoft has really tired to push their Xbox onto a whole new level of multimedia entertainment system, providing more social media and other apps giving it a more modern push. Seeing this being done to the Xbox is not too much as a surprise  because more and more products now a days are resorting to that same system with more options with the internet.

PS4 has definitely pushed to make their product faster and better quality instead of the streaming apps, even though they can do almost the same as the Xbox, it just doesn't offer as much but will add more throughout the next year.

PS4 and Xbox Ones will have the majority of their sales from the loyalties of their past customers and friends around with influence. Seeing that both consoles have their plus and minus, history will show itself again who will be the victor in sales.

Ps3 history: Over 80 Million
Xbox 360: 80 Million


  1. Personally, I used to like xbox 360 but now that i have seen what the PS4 can do I think that i would really enjoy it more because it basically does all of the same things as the xbox. The only difference is that the Xbox may specialize in a few other games that i would want to play that you cant play on the PS4. Youre right that they both have their ups and downs but i think the PS4 has really stepped it up.

  2. i think xbox 360 and ps4 is almost the same thing bcuz it all about $$$$

  3. I have switched from the PS2 to the Xbox 360 and I might switch back to the PS4. Xbox isn't really standing out in the games it has, focuses to much on other things like tv and other entertainment options.
