These new consoles will be a nice gift for your children, relatives or anyone that you share a lot in your life for Christmas gift! However, they cost a little bit too much as a gift you small kids.
XBox One costs $499 and PS4 costs $399. Compared to PS3 cost when it just came out (which was about $600), it's reasonable, but still it's a bit pricy.
Although PS4 released a week before XBox One and people imagine many people would buy it first because they are so excited for new generation console, XBox One release date is in thanksgiving holidays which I think it's better idea because gamers tend to have an idea that they would like to play games when they have enough time to play. When I was a hardcore video gamer, I did not play new game when I had only a bit of time. I would save for the weekend and enjoyed it during weekend (when I have more time) because I really hated to distracted by something.
From my point of view, I think XBox One focused more on online gaming, and PS4 focused more on offline gaming. Of course, you can play Online/Offline by using these consoles, but I feel like XBox consoles are more for online and PS consoles are more for offline.
So far, there are not any completely "New" stuff out for these consoles yet, but I believe they are making something really cool new type of video game for the consoles. However, graphic got better compare to the old consoles, which I think FPS (First Person Shooting) gamers love to see. I don't really have time to play video games lately, but I hope I'll have time to play these new consoles with friends soon.
I totally agree with the waiting for the time to play, especially lately where i have had very little time to no time to play videogames on the weekdays and sometimes barely any on the weekends too, so why buy all everything right away when you wont be playing it till later anyways. in my experience i have found that people who pick a side, Xbox One or PS4, only really do so because it is what they have always had and don't feel the need to try something new, especially considering that most games are available for both. When it comes down to it, even with the $100 price difference, i think people will stick with what they already have, Xbox or Playstation.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Neal, I feel like most stick to the system they bought in the past. Having to change how you play with diffrent controllers sucks and when it comes to the xbox i like the feel of the controller how it fits in my hands then the ps3 did and I can honestly say i would pay $100 more for the new xbox one then the ps4
ReplyDeleteSure the social networks and graphics has gotten better on these two consoles, but these two consoles have a long history together. I'm sure those who had a 360 will buy a XBone, vice versa. Mostly for game exclusives, like Halo or God of War. They've already seeded into the interests of gamers. Then there are those people who nitpick about the power and performance. They'll most likely get a PS4, like myself.
ReplyDeleteI would like to say that I have played on both the xbox one an ps4 and I think that the ps4 has a better gaming perspective. I agree with the online/offline gaming with the xbox being more for the online gaming with the camera and everything, but I find that the ps4 has better graphic quality and is all around a better console. Don't get me wrong, I love both but I would much rather go with the ps4 than the xbox one.