Friday, November 8, 2013

Why Can't Dubstep Be Music Too?

The logo of a popular
dubstep band called Skrillex
By now I'm sure everyone has heard of the relatively new music genre called dubstep, just as I'm also sure that everybody who has heard it either loves it or hates it. The crowd that loves it simply enjoys the new sound that dubstep provides, whereas the crowd that hates it deems the genre unworthy of being classified as music. What makes it unworthy of that classification though? What makes dubstep so different from every other form of music out there?

The haters, shall we call them, say that since the genre mostly consists of bass, some electric guitar and a unique technological sound generated by a computer that it can't possibly be considered music. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. If electric sounds and some bass aren't enough, what is? The electric guitar and the bass alone can be considered music because they are both considered instruments. Why can't a computer be considered an instrument? If it is able to produce sound that is pleasant to a lot of people then isn't that good enough? What makes a maraca an instrument? Or a trombone or a piano? The simple fact that these items produce sound that is pleasing to the ear is enough to classify them as instruments. By that definition, a computer could be considered an instrument, and what do instruments do? They produce music.

Another complaint of the so called haters is that they think that the dubstep genre sounds like something is malfunctioning or that it sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Well not everybody loves every single genre of music; everyone has their own personal preferences and everyone thinks that the genre that they hate sounds like something atrocious.

In my opinion, dubstep has the right to be classified as music. I've posted a video below of an example of the genre (just in case you haven't heard dubstep before) so that you all may decide for yourselves whether or not dubstep should be considered music.


  1. Wow! I've never heard this before. I think it sounds like something you would here at a rave or in a video game. I'm not a fan.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i think that you make some very good points. i'm someone who grew up listening to Johnny Cash and other every other country music singer my whole childhood. i still like country a lot but i have started to like just about every other genre too. Dubstep was probably the last genre that i started to listen to and liked after a while. i have always said that if you can't dance to it in some way then it isn't music, and believe me i dance to dubstep a lot (in private mostly). so yes i think dupstep should be considered music.

  4. I love Skrillex! Fun workout music :)

  5. I am also a Skrillex fan I like the music and it gets me pumped, and excited to do anything.

  6. Personally, I don't like Dubstep that much. I listen to a few songs every once in a while, but it's not really there. I think Dubstep is to be considered as music just as much as any other genre. Like you said, people have their own opinions, and not every type of music or song is going to resonate with them, but that doesn't mean that it's bad or shouldn't be music right?

  7. Ohh I Love Dubstep, I found out about it a couple months ago and I love, specially Skrillex
