Tuesday, November 19, 2013

"Where in the World is Thanksgiving?"

We all know that Christmas is on its way we have seen the evidence of its arrival in stores and on television. We all get wrapped up with the holiday spirit and we forget about Thanksgiving. Is Thanksgiving slowly being eliminated from American Culture? The only thing that is keeping this holidays head above water is the massive sale called Black Friday. I have noticed holiday decorations and products being put into stores much sooner than I remember when I was a child. I have even witnessed Christmas décor before Halloween! I think that we all need to take it easy on Christmas and slow down and remember that Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful and spend time with family. Many people are already decorating their homes for the Christmas holiday when they still have not hosted for Thanksgiving. As much as I love cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies I too must remember it is still a little early for Christmas. So let’s put frosty away for another couple weeks and remember this is the time to be thankful for what you have.


  1. I agree. There is not enough consideration for Thanksgiving anymore because everyone gets all crazy about Christmas and shopping. I love Thanksgiving and will never forget about it,

  2. i think christmas is the biggest thing that all the kids are waiting for
