Thursday, November 7, 2013

Minneapolis making history

Abdi Warsame made history Tuesday by becoming the highest elected Somali in the country with 63.92% of the votes. The United States is a melting pot and has been for quite some time now. The United States made history with voting in Obama; and Minneapolis voting in Warsame. Some people will look at this as a racism issue and I don’t believe it is. I do believe that people did vote for Obama and Warsame based on the color of their skin and not what their political views are. That is their choice who they vote for. I hope that we as American’s will always vote for candidates based on their political beliefs and not their skin color or religion. Others are very upset that we now have an American Somali in office, and others are very supportive of this. This isn’t about Warsame’s skin color or religion. This is about the Somali community coming out and getting involved in the community and voting.
Minneapolis is one of the highest Somalian communities in the United States, so it only makes sense that there is an American Somali in office. Having officials in office that are not white American’s is the way that the United States is heading. Weather we agree or disagree, it’s a reality of our future. The Minneapolis and St. Paul communities will continue to grow in diversity and we all need to live here, so why not get along? If you don’t approve of a person based on his or her religion or race, then I call that prejudice. And people that are prejudice are also arrogant. So in my opinion all the arrogant people better get over their petty issues and move on. This is how it is going to be.  

1 comment:

  1. wow I did not know that Minneapolis is one of the highest Somalian communities in the United States, good to know. I agree that our communities will continue to grow in diversity and that we should get along. however it is not that easy, because every person has a different point of view.
