Friday, November 15, 2013

Destination Procrastination

     We've all gone through or are going through some sort of school, and during that said time you've most likely procrastinated something. Our culture and really humanity in general seems to have this desire to push things off to the last moment. When I get home from school the first thing I do is kick off my shoes and figure out what to do next. Now the first thing I think of isn't homework, but I can justify that. I went through a long day of school so it makes sense I don't want to dive into some schoolwork right away. Watch some TV, do some chores, eat dinner and now it's time to finish my homework. Actually, just some video games before starting couldn't hurt. Alright that's all out of the way, just gotta pick up that pencil now. Hold on, I can't be a bad friend, I should see what everyone is doing and who wants to hangout. Alright it's 12:15 am, I need to start my homework... I wonder what's new on YouTube?

     That is a basic night for me and most likely many other students to some sort of degree. But why do we do this? When you think about it, it doesn't really make sense. I go to college to get good grades so I can get a degree and live a happy life; But grades don't always seem to be at the top of the priority list. Grades are very real, while video games are virtual. Yet many will become more concerned with the latest game over the latest assignment. Same goes for TV, there isn't really and reward for sitting on the couch and watching your favorite program, there can be relaxation and some intrigue but there aren't really any major consequences for not sinking teeth into a show like Breaking Bad. So why wait? Why not do the homework?

     Personally I feel it relates to the immediate distraction and gratification that modern mass media can provide. We are surrounded by amazing technology and can have access to practically anything at anytime. Is our current generation more lazy than a past one? Maybe, but there's so much to look up, so much entertainment to enjoy, and it's hard not to pull the trigger when you're glued to it. Schoolwork just doesn't have the same immediate impact and (god forbid) you have to think. It's actual intellectual work, you can't just sit idly and soak in the knowledge, you have to do it. But not only that, but the consequences and rewards aren't right there when actually doing the work. It's almost as if this disconnect in response time makes the person feel disconnected from the work and more concerned with instant reward or stimulus.

Dopamine Activity in the Brain

    At least this is the reason I think human's procrastinate, we crave reward and that release of dopamine in the brain. Homework simply doesn't fill our desires, but we doe know that we have to do it and that it is in fact vital, that's the only reason it gets done at three o'clock in the morning. I will admit that doing homework does have some sense of reward. Finishing an assignment early is great, relieves so much stress and it grants a sense of accomplishment like no other. So you know what? I think I'll do my homework early all the time now...unless there's something on TV that is.

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