Thursday, November 7, 2013

Why Everyone Loves Vampires

       What is it about these vampires that everyone loves? of course the people who actuall watch "The Vampire Diaries is mainly women. Why you ask, because what man would want to watch a show with a of bunch of vampires (mainly men) going after a certain girl? No man would but to women it is a fantasy that many dream of.
        In "The Vampire Diaries" women find the the main protagonists and even the antfonists very attractive! they are fast strong and sexy who wouldnt want them?!... Not my words but my sisters. Women love vampires because they are so ominous and so kept to themselves, they spark a bit of curiosity in their minds.

        Now lets move onto twilight! Twilight was one of the movies most girls (even some  adult women) were excited for. The sparkeling vampires that just gave off tons and tons of sex appeal. women turned back into teenage grls screaming and drooling because one of the main characters (Edward) came on to screen and of course everyone was attracted to him. No one really cared about Emmett or Jackson why becasue they never saw them sparkle! Just kidding! They were not really what the movie focused on. They mainly focused on Bella, Edward and of course the werewolf Jacob who was the teen heart throb for many years.
        It is actually quite interesting to see how these teens act towards someone who they think is so attractive... let me confess something i am also quite a twilight die hard fan... but i dont like it because of the men covered in sex appeal i like it because it has such a good story and is interesting to see how they live. Well not how real vampires live.. atleast i dont think so.... so there are many top notch reasons as to why everyone love vampires but there are plenty more!


  1. I am glad to hear that you are a male Twilight fan, i am to and it seems like we are few and far between! I for one have always loved vampires and werewolfs and like you said i think Twilight is a good visual of how they would live among us now a days. ill be honest though, in terms of watching a movie because of the attractive people in it, i LOVE Kristen Stewart and she may or may not have a lot of pull in why i watch Twilight.

    I Agree that probably a lot of people watch Vampire movies because of the "dreamy" actors, but in my experience there are always a few people that really like the idea and mystery of being a vampire or werewolf and what that would entitle.

  2. I found your blog very interesting and I'm also interested in why our society is so fascinated with vampires. I agree with you that they do give off that sex appeal and that mystery, which all girls drool over. I also agree that having hot guys play the vampire makes the movies or TV shows a lot more interesting!

  3. I think that vampires and twilight are not limited to only females, many males also like them for reasons other than sex appeal. The story behind twilight deals with a love circle that many people may relate too, the attractivness makes it that more appealing. I agree vampires are kept to themselves which leaves curiosity.

    I personally never got into the twlight hype because i assumed it was over rated and childish, but the day my boyfriend asked me to watch it, I actually became very interested. That just shows you cant base a movie off its cover or apperance.
