Monday, November 18, 2013


Have you ever taken notice to which phone you truly answer the most? I was walking around my house, and i was in a zone writing music. My friend noticed that i was completely ignoring my home land line. He proceed to ask" Are you not going to answer the phone"? Which inspired me to write this blog. Is technology revered differently among generations? I have seen my mother on that relic in technology for hours conversing. Myself on the other hand hates using the home phone. I view it as a reminder of me being an adult, because I only handle business on it. I also share the same outlook on the postal system as well, the only thing good about the mail is receiving money to pay the bills that come with it. Though there is a problem of over using your cellphone. Cellphones allow me to continue with my day. My question to you is land lines really necessary besides the use of  911? Maybe its my youth and adaption of technology that wants to do with land lines but can you blame me?
Brandon Bryson


  1. No Brandon I totally agree. We have had a land line in my house my whole life, in-fact we haven't even switched to cordless. But it doesn't really matter because everyone in my family has some version of a smart phone. Although we still have a land line, we recently disconnected our answering machine because if someone really needed to get ahold of one us they would call our cell phone. Not only that but the only people who call our land line are telemarketers... and no one has time to deal with their bull crap anyway.

  2. I do think that it is useless, because even kids who are as young as 8 have cell phone. I don't have a house phone becasue we are never home anyway. Why pay for something that no one ever use. My parents are prttey onld school but the one thing they dont have is a house phone.
