In the past years or so we have seen many people with E cigarette in their hand than a roll up paper tobacco. The E cigs was market to consumer in 2007 and has become really popular. E cigs don't have the same tobacco law as regular cigarettes so any one who is under the age of 18 can buy one without being ID. Why are they so cool? Well they don't have any tobacco because it all vapor smoke.

There is no research on E cigs to see how healthy they are compare to regular cigarettes, but it still have almost the same toxin and is still very addictive. So in other words it can still kill you until proven otherwise. One thing why a lot of people like this is because of the different flavors that you can buy for it.

You won't smell bad any more. your kids will love to come to you now. Another reason is that it is cheaper to buy one then to buy a pack of cigarette twice a week. Cigarette price has gone up so much in the last year and so people are turning to other solutions and the E cigs are one of them. The only thing you have to change is the thing that holds the oil every month to two,and that is only about $4 to $5. One more thing you can smoke this almost any where because most place like bars and clubs had banned smoking inside. Now they will let you smoke them inside.
I don't beleive in smoking because I hate the smoke and the after smell, but i guess this is better smelling the flavors of the oil than the smoke. What do you guys think of this?
I heard about this E cigarette too, but I have never seen it before. I bet most people like their significant others smoke this kind. I think the flavors that the manufacture added to cigarette is another type of markerting for the product. As a non-smoker, I agree with you that all types of cigarettes could be life threatening.
ReplyDeleteI like the thought of e cigs. There's no bad smoke/smell and it's not harmful to everyone. For someone who smokes, this is nice for them.instead of going outside in the cold they are able to smoke inside places.