Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cyber Monday Dissapointment?

Cyber Monday Dissapointment?
The once a year trend that almost every one loves to take a part in is BLACK FRIDAY and CYBER MONDAY.
Black Friday
This years trends seemed to be utterly dissapointing to many people. I went out on Black Friday and there was a very large decrease in people that i saw compared from this year to last. It has been the first decrease in Black Friday shoppers since 2009. But is that because of Cyber Monday? For those of you who do not know what Cyber Monday is, it is the Monday after Black Friday for people to shop online and get the same deals that they had in store on Black Friday. Also other online websites that only sell online take advantage of the sales opportunity too. But this Cyber Monday seemed to have also placed a huge dissapointment to shoppers. The average deal for shoppers on most websites we to get free shipping and that was the Cyber Monday deal.  
Post image for Snorg Tees have a disappointing Cyber Monday offer
 This year was by far the worst year for black friday/ cyber monday shoppers. So hope for a better shopping day next year shoppers!!


  1. I agree with this post, I think that a lot of people are not going out on black friday anymore just due to the fact that cyber monday does have great deals. I think people go out on black friday because it is a once a year shopping spree and in all cases it's fun to go out and shop with thousands of people at night. I go out every black friday and it's always a blast to go out with friends and see what every store has to offer for its one day big sale.

  2. I agree because many people just dont want to deal with the cold or the other people. I gone out for Black Friday once and never did it again. People do get crazy. Cyber Monday on the other hand is so much better. You shop from the comfort of your home. There are better deals and better things. This year i dont see to many good sales for black Friday anyway.
