Friday, December 13, 2013

Self-Driving Cars?

It is almost the year 2014 and technology is advancing quickly. Many things are advancing in technological  like phones, tablets, televisions, and cars. As years go on, car technology is advancing pretty rapidly and cars are now nearing being able to drive themselves. The car company Ford has created a self parking car that no one has seen before. There have been other car companies who have achieved assisted parallel parking but not like Ford has done.
       Mercedes- Benz is has created technology that has the car correct the driver when driving if the driver is not in the center of the driving lane. It simply just slowly moves the car in whichever direction the car needs to be to be in the center of the lane.
       With all this new car technology we are slowly coming to an age where cars will be doing the driving for us while we can sit back and brew our cappuccinos. That's right, the car company Fiat has created a cappuccino maker in their cars. You can brew them while the car is in park but not while you are driving.
      Self- driving cars will get rid of a lot of accidents and will get rid of who is at fault for the accident. Technology is rising rapidly, it will be very interesting to see if we will actually to make full self driving cars. A lot of people will probably be against the idea but a lot will be for it as well. What do you think?

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