Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Should Athletes Have A Respected Workload?

After doing a little research on a few football players for my fantasy football team i came across some really weird results on some of the football players. Not only are these football players in the NFL and are star athletes but it talked about there past so i was interested and read a little. Studies show that 4 out of 5 athletes that attend school mainly struggle with workloads because they are athletes. Not only do i struggle personally but it became  a huge interest that i looked into.

So personally this semester at Century College i was playing soccer for the mens team which required every week day of training and other weekend days for games. But not only did i play soccer but i also had a part time job at a pizza shop while at school in order to pay for school. Soccer was a very serious playing field this year considering we went to nationals and i was extremely lucky to be able to receive an All-American Award which will hopefully pay off in the future with school. During that time i was working part time at a pizza shop trying to earn enough money to pay off school which is why im here writing this blog in the first place. I always know that school comes first but when you have to mentally put a focus on multiple things like school, work and soccer things begin to get very stressful. I struggled a lot my first semester for school but when the only way to pay for school is through working at part time job and hopefully a soccer scholarship in the future, then that's all i can do.

This article on sports illustrated showed that athletes not only can exceed a higher level of thinking but the 4 out of 5 that usually struggle with school workload and sports are proven to be more effective than the average student when they received the same amount of time as the other average students. That isnt only interesting but could be a true thing in the future that schools have looked into, actually editing due dates and workloads according to the amount of time spent to put into their sports.
I know i wouldn't mind this idea. Any other thoughts or questions?

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