Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Tale of Good Ole Mayor Rob Ford

This is the tale of Mayor Rob Ford. A Canadian businessman and politician, Rob Ford is the current mayor of Toronto, Ontario, Canada... only in title. How he remains in office is a miracle. As the current Mayor of Toronto only in title now, Ford is known for drinking with his constituents and stumbling around his city drunk thereafter. Several Months ago produced a series of posts wherein it was claimed their existed a video of mayor Rob Ford smoking crack, and that the video was for sale. Soon once the money for the tape was raised the seller mysteriously disappeared. However the series of posts had already been damning enough evidence for the public to demand an answer.
Eventually once forced to, Mayor Ford held a press conference where he admits "Yes I have smoked Crack cocaine" but that he didnt currently. Through subsequent press conferences Ford announced that he would not resign and that he would be in fact, running for reelection.
In recent weeks Mayor Ford has faced accusations of going down on a staffer where he replied that he quote "I didn't eat her pussy.. I have plenty to eat at home", a drunken and cocaine fueled office party on St.Patrick's day in 2012 and many other drunken shenanigans most certainly not befitting of a mayor. Ford has apologized for his comments and actions while asking for forgiveness and announcing that he will be rerunning for office and fighting the city councils actions against him. The City Council of Toronto has striped the mayor of his power but not his title and Mayor Ford has said he will bring them to court, not caring about the cost to his constituents. Surely still a major growing story who knows what else will become of "Mayor" Rob Ford.


  1. This Mayor might seem like a fun guy to party with, but I don't think I'd want him to be the Mayor of my city! Wow. It's pretty nuts that a politician would say these things, let alone getting caught smoking on the ol' crack pipe. It seems like every politician nowadays portrays themselves as being these "perfect" people that we should look up to. Yeah, I don't think so. It really makes you wonder what other politicians do behind closed doors!

  2. Rob Ford has been removed from the mayor position and I agree with this action. This guy does not seem like he has the appropriate skills to be in control of a mayor's duties. I would not want a mayor stumbling around drunk and someone that uses cocaine recently in the past. I recently watched Rob Ford in a news video that showed him acting out him drinking and driving and passing out, This just shows the immaturity that Ford displays.
