Monday, November 11, 2013

Dropping the Gloves...Can Goalies Fight, Too?

A hot topic in the hockey world recently is the controversy about whether or not NHL goalies should be allowed to fight. There was a fight not too long ago between goalies Ray Emery of the Philadelphia Flyers and Braden Holtby of the Washington Capitals. As of now, there is not rule that prohibits fighting between goalies.
A problem with allowing goalies to fight is about the penalties they would receive. It's not really possible to send a goalie to the penalty box, so usually a skater from his team would serve the penalty for him. It would be taxing for the teams to have to each send a skater to the box every time the goalies fought each other. Another issue with allowing goalies to fight is about whether or not a goalie should be able to skate the entire length of the ice to fight the other goalie.

Gary Bettman, the NHL commissioner, believes that goalies should be allowed to fight. He said, "I think fighting acts as a thermostat to keep other things [orderly]. I'd rather them be punching each other than swinging the sticks at each other".

Here is a video of the legendary goalies Carey Price and Tim Thomas fighting.

Sports fans, what are your thoughts - should goalies be allowed to fight, or should they receive stiff penalties for fighting?


  1. I think that goalies should be able to fight because it's not as dangerous compared to two skaters with sticks fighting and trying to whack the sticks at each other. There should still be a penalty just like a normal fight would have, but it would be easier to serve because someone else would go in the penalty box for them. It would make there be less players on the ice on it's an easier solution.

  2. I do not think goalie fights are that much of a problem provided that they do not use the blocker. I do not see any difference in a goalie fighting and another player fighting. Goalie fights may even be safer since the goalies wear so much thicker pads than the other players do. However I do think the goalies should be sent to the penalty box and have the backup goalie play.
