Thursday, November 21, 2013

Red Cross helps Phillipines-Typhoon

The Phillipines are having a rough year. The typhoon that hit the Phillipines was a level 5 hurricane, almost as bad as Hurricane Katrina when it hit New Orleans. Many Red Cross companies from around the world has been helping out with people still stuck there.

Red Cross from Los Angelas has done a bake sale. They united with Los Angelas best chefs and bloggers to help. 35 LA's best restaurants and more than 25 local food bloggers came to help support. The name of this bake sale is called "Eat My Blog Charity Bake Sale"

Why is LA helping out? It's because most of the Fillipino population are living in Southern California outside of the Phillipines, and they are helping Red Cross to fund money for their families and friends.

Best of Luck for the bake sale!

1 comment:

  1. The residents of the Philippines are very strong people and have had to deal with many terrible things since WWII ,but this maybe one of the worst natural or manmade disasters they have ever had to deal with .When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans they at least had the full support of our government to help them with water and food, the people in the Philippines could only dream of a government as well prepared as the United States government is for handling natural disasters and returning life back to normal as quick as possible.

    The bake sales in Los Angeles show sometimes it takes a disaster to bring people together to help other people in need.
    Doing charity work and helping the less fortunate when we can is very important to do all the time , having a bake sale is great way to do a simple thing that will make you feel better and the people you are helping will know they are an important part of the world we live in.
