Thursday, November 14, 2013

New Apple products, are they really worth all the hype?

         Apple continues to make new and "improved" iPods,  iPhones, and iPads. but just how improved are they?  Every two years Apple releases a new iPhone and every year they release a modified version of that phone. This seems a tad bit over board as most cell companies have contracts that last 4 years. If Apple waited at least 2 years before every launch of their new phone, they would seem a lot more innovative, and that is what Apple claims to be.

        Now Apple has just released the new iPad air. It is similar in looks to the iPad mini, except it is the size of a full-sized iPad. In the new iPad, it claims to be lighter, faster, thinner, and has a better camera. But just how much better is the new iPad?  According to International Business Times, the iPad Air is slightly lighter (it’s really not that noticeable), slightly thinner and easier to hold, slightly faster (about two seconds difference in Web browsing, eight seconds difference in launching graphics-intensive apps), and its cameras are slightly improved.

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