Thursday, November 14, 2013

Does Birth Order Really Make a Difference?

         Have you ever wondered why your siblings can be so different from you? Maybe you are the oldest, and it feels good sometimes to let your younger siblings know whose boss!  Or you’re the youngest, and you like to lighten the day with a few jokes every once in a while? You might even be, sadly, the unlucky one (like me) and be stuck in he middle.  Where you are born in your family I believe can play a large part in your life, and can definitely shape your personality.

            Alfred Adler was a 20th century psychotherapist, who is credited as one of the first to initiate the belief that birth order position can truly play a role in developing an individual’s personality.  While Adler merely surfaced this comprehensive topic, it has substantially been examined the past century to the point where there are general traits associated with one’s birth order. 
            Take a look below and see if some of the characteristics below match you. However, please keep in mind these are general assumptions and some exceptions do apply.  Some key examples are when a second-born child is required to act in place of the oldest child due to uncontrollably circumstances, when there are age gaps over five years between siblings, and when the first and second born are opposite genders.  The latter tends to lead both individuals to exhibit the oldest child mentality.

Oldest Child/Only Child:
-The oldest/only child by default leads the pack, and thus has a natural managing/leadership mentality. They are usually competitive and many times are idolized by their younger siblings.  They can be described as directive, goal-orientated, responsible, structured, and conscientious.

Middle Child:
-Stuck in the middle, usually they must search for their identity but are quite successful when they find their passion.  They have a large range of personalities, and are likely the most social.  They can be described as great peacemakers, negotiators, competitive and usually have a large social circle.

-The youngest child may have been pampered and had less responsibilities growing up, but studies show often they can be the most successful.  In most cases they are flamboyant and great comedians.  They can be described as fun loving, creative, out-going and uncomplicated.

Try to see if you can identify where your friends fit above.  More than likely you will be able to identify them by their birth order.

For more information, checkout the video below by renowned psychologist Dr. Kevin Leman, who describes more about birth order.


  1. This is very interesting. I never knew some of that information, and how it can actually stand true. Now i understand where that puts me. Very interesting topic to pick, and good work.

  2. i think birth order really does effect a childs personalities and character.
    even in my family i see it. my older sister is very responsible. she works and strives to succeed not only for her own goals but also for my parents.
    as for my older brother, he does have control. which to the point where he can be pretty abusive but that was when were kids. and as for i, one of the middle child i often become jealous of my older and younger siblings. i felt like my older siblings had more freedom. they were alowd to do things i couldnt do. and as for my younger siblings, they tend to get away with everything and were more spoil than i was at their ages.

  3. This is interesting. I never knew some of these information. This explains who I am as the youngest child in my family.

  4. Interesting! The information provided really makes it interesting to see how being either the oldest or youngest child makes a difference. I am the oldest child of 4 kids and I agree that I influence my younger siblings alot! I am very goal oriented and my siblings tend to follow me around more.

  5. Birth Order is always such an interesting topic, Ive delved a bit into the subject however I always wonder how other factors such as gender, extreme age difference, and socioeconomic situations effect an individual and their birth order. Do other society's and populations birth orders affect them differently than ours may? Such an amazing area of study.
