Wednesday, November 13, 2013

More rules equal more fun?

The NFL is set on more rules to protect offensive players. They claim they are doing it to promote player safety. Im calling bullshit.
This chart clearly shows that the NFL is becoming more explosive from an offensive standpoint. Is it really because the players are better? I really dont think so. Yes, you've got Peyton Manning, Drew Brees, Tom Brady, and Aaron Rodgers who have all established themselves as great quarterbacks. But Nick Foles? He tied the NFL record for passing touchdowns in a game (with 7) a few weeks ago. Of the first group only Peyton Manning has done that, and it happened earlier this year. Before this season the last time seven touchdowns were thrown in a game was 1969! Now it's happened twice, in one season. 

The amount of penalties on defenses have grown and put a lot of limitations into how and when you can hit a player. Defensive backs are called for pass interference and unnecessary roughness all the time. Many of those are highly debatable. As a professional football player i believe you are taking inherited risks by stepping onto a football field. If you're a wide receiver and you catch a ball over the middle you should expect to be hit, and not lightly. The offenses are beginning to get over powered due to rules, not talent.  

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