Thursday, November 14, 2013

Facebook: Here snapchat take my money!

So we all know about facebook right? That one website where you get distracted from doing homework? Oops I mean that website that you use to stalk your ex boyfriend, oh wait I mean to social network. Yeah that's the word I'm looking for. Well Facebook sees a golden opportunity to make some more money because I don't know maybe they don't have enough already. Well anyways there plan was to buy snapchat that one app on your phone that lets you take pictures for 10 seconds then it seemingly disappears, that one. Well Facebook was like "Hey Snapchat you seem really successful so here's $3 billion dollars in cash for your company." (this conversation never actually took place) Snapchat was like "No bro i'll pass". I think facebook needs to stop going around buying successful companies and focus on their own.

Here's a link for what went down:

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