Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Power will Consume us All

Fat Man bombing on Nagasaki 
One of the most devastating types of power is nuclear power. Nuclear bombs like Little Boy and Fat Man have shown a good example of what humans are capable of. Death tolls around 60,000+ deaths for Fat Man and 90,000+ deaths for Little Boy.
The advances in technology has come a long way since. With the spread of technology, anywhere and anyone can have control of nukes. We know that nuclear warheads are produced and kept hidden from the public to avoid public outbreaks. Some nukes are also kept under a deterrence, a nuclear deterrence. One of them is U.S and Russia.
The military doctrine that an enemy will be deterred from using nuclear weapons as long as he can be destroyed as a consequence; "when two nations both resort to nuclear deterrence the consequence could be mutual destruction."
Yes it's possible for humans to blow each others to smithereens, but it hasn't happened yet. Are humans able to handle the raw power of destruction? We have yet to prove ourselves. Will we be able to set aside our differences? We have yet many trails to face.

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