Thursday, October 17, 2013

Addiction to Technology

Technology has become very popular nowadays. Adults and teenagers are being affected with this issue. Checking Instagram, Facebook or Twitter is now the most common activity when people have free time. This is causing a huge problem, because teenagers are not recreating outside or playing with their friends like  they used to 20 years ago. Technology has really changed everyone's life, if we compare society 20 years ago with what society is right now, we will see that now everything has to do with your computer,emails and social network. Videos games are a big part of this issue as well, a lot of young people rather play video games than go fishing with their friends. On the other hand, smartphones have become a huge addiction in the 21st century, everyone is addicted to their phone. I include myself in that category, I don't know what would I do without my phone. A couple months ago my phone broke and I spent like 3 or 4 weeks without it and I was going crazy, so with that experience I can tell the addiction that I have with my phone. Addiction to technology is affecting a lot of people in negative ways and probably it will get worse in years, we just have to keep in mind that we have to get our stuff done and recreate with our friends and have technology as one of our priorities, but not the first one. 

  • Here is a video of a little kid, is funny but is sad at the same time, because he is like 5 years old and he is addicted to his computer.


  1. I agree, nowadays people abuse technology by making it a top priority. Social networks, games, tv shows and texting are all distractions that should be balanced. If people found hobbies that included face to face communication then there would be less time for technologys. Although, cell phones are something most people carry with them everyday. We should make social interactions a priority to avoid addictions to technology.

  2. I agree, people need to get away from the computers, video games and find things to do with their friends like go to lunch, go to a sporting event, etc.
