Thursday, October 17, 2013

NFL Father Meets His Son for the First Time

NFL football star, Adrian Peterson met his two-year-old son for the first time, while on life support. Peterson's 2-year old had been hospitalized in critical condition with head injuries since arriving on Wednesday. He had been allegedly beaten by Joseph Robert Patterson, a man dating his mother and died on Friday in a hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. 

AP's two-year-old son, Tyrese. 
Two months ago, while Vikings was losing their second preseason game, Adrian Peterson was given some surprising news. He found out that he had a 2 year old son living in Sioux, South Dakota. Peterson had been working on arranging a time to meet this son of his when he got a phone last week that the two-year-old had been in the hospital with severe injuries. Peterson raced down to Sioux on Thursday, October 10th and met his son the day before he died. 

Even with the news of his son's injuries and death, Peterson played in the game that Sunday against the Carolina Panthers. Although it wasn't the best game that he played, people  questioned how he could still be out there playing when he knew of his son's situation. But this was his reply to everyone, 
"A lot of people won't ever understand the situation that I'm in and see it the way I'm seeing the situation," he said. "It's tough, but I'm able to deal with that and got a good supporting cast around me that's been supporting me through this tough time."
Adrian missed Wednesday's practice to attend his son, Tyrese's funeral in Sioux, South Dakota. Peterson said it was a "difficult day just taking in the circumstances and the situation". He stated of the funeral "A child was buried. That's difficult for anyone." 

It's hard to imagine having to bury your own child. It's not something that you'd expect to do especially with the child at only 2 years of age. Burying any person, family member, friend, etc. is hard enough but imagine it being your own child who hasn't even experienced much of life yet. It's hard to believe that someone would do such things to end the life of a blessing, even if it weren't their own. 

1 comment:

  1. This is exactly what I've been saying! I see how it can be extremely hard losing a child, but i think AP was able to play because he didnt really get a chance to meet his son. When he went to the hospitial to visit, his con was already considered brain dead. I think its a tramatic experience in its entirety, but, he didnt even know the kid, let alone know he exsisted until two months i feel like it wasnt as heart wrenching as it could have been. I have no idea how someone could even think of hurting a child that young, and expecially that what the hell he wasnt his kid so he probably shouldnt have had any authority anyway.
