Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Could Oreos be as Addictive as Drugs?

Oreos have been around since 1912, which would be why most of us have grown up with these amazing Oreo cookies. They've even caused great disputes as to the best way to eat them - dunking them in milk or twisting off one side and eating the middle first. Besides eating them plain, there are recipes galore on how to use Oreos in cakes, milkshakes, and additional desserts. Oreos had become part of twentieth century culture.

Have you ever found it hard to put down a box of Oreos? Well, turns out there might actually be a scientific reasoning behind it.
New research has suggests that sugary, fatty treats can provoke the same reaction and activate the brain in a similar manner as cocaine and morphine (at least in lab rats). A Connecticut College professor Joseph Schroeder and his students found the high-fat, high-sugar cookies stimulate the rats' brains the same way drugs do.
The study found rats formed an equally strong association between the pleasurable effects of eating Oreos and a specific environment as they did between cocaine or morphine and a specific environment. They also found that eating cookies activated more neurons in the brain's "pleasure center" than exposure to drugs of abuse.
The results of the Oreo and rice cake test were compared with results from rats that were given an injection of cocaine or morphine on one side of the maze and a shot of saline on the other. The rats conditioned with Oreos spent as much time on the "drug" side of the maze as the rats conditioned with cocaine or morphine.

So which one is more dangerous when it comes to Oreos or Drugs?
It was mentioned that Oreos may actually be the more dangerous one. Surprising? Well, if you actually think about how much cheaper it is to get a box of Oreos compared to investing in drugs. Also I believe it is way more convenient to get a hold of a box of Oreos at a local grocery store. Despite what may be scientifically proven, I'm positive that nothing will get in the way of having one, two, maybe even three delicious Oreo cookies.


  1. wow!! no wonder oreos is the number 1 selling cookie in america!.. maybe in the world too!

  2. This is so crazy! I love oreos...sad faaace

  3. very interesting information but honesty I don't think that people that loves oreos will stop buying or eating them. I am one of them I love oreos.

  4. As an oreo lover I'm in shock over here! I'm not giving up my oreo addiction and I won't go to rehab either! I'm overreacting a little bit but I still won't give them up. This is very interesting information.

  5. I'm not very surprised that Oreos can cause the same reaction to the "pleasure center" of the brain as drugs because Oreo's are so amazingly delicious! I've never met one person who isn't a fan of these cookies. This wouldn't stop me from enjoying some once in a while. I think just the fact that it activates the pleasure center like drugs do, doesn't make them harmful because we've never heard anyone dying from too much Oreo consumption! This is very interesting though!
