Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Ocean Cleanup
''Ocean Cleanup''

A Dutch teenager has invented a device that he claims could clean up some 20 billion tonnes of plastic waste from the world's oceans. While Mr. Slate was still a student at Delf University of Technology, he came up with the idea, and won a numbers of prize and respect. He believes that his invention could make up to $500 million a year from recycling the waste collected. Boyan Slat, 19, came up with the idea of a series of floating booms and processing platforms designed to collect floating plastic rubbish. The 'ocean cleanup' concept is designed to capture the floating plastic but allow life like fish and plankton to pass through unharmed, while saving the waste materials to be recycled.

Picture of the 'Ocean cleanup'

Boyan Slat, 19, came up with the idea of a series of floating booms and processing platforms (pictured) designed to collect floating plastic rubbish

His concept uses floating booms (pictured) instead of nets to cover wast areas effectively, while no mesh and a very low speed, means there will be 'virtually no by-catch' and unfortunate animals getting tangled in nets

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this. This is a great idea and I think they should take him very seriously and look into this even more. Anything to help the animals I'm all about.
