Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Mess of The Goverment.

         So everyone has an opinion of the government shut down. The craziness the government shutdown has brought is well....crazy. People have started showing their true colors and some friendships have been ruined. I could go on and on about how this mess has been impacting people's lives, but in all honesty we've been getting screwed by the government our whole lives. OK maybe I'm being a little harsh. There are some people who seem to think that it’s Barack Obama’s fault that this country is in bad shape…Bush anybody? I shouldn't even say that because this has been going on for decades. Maybe even centuries.  

      Personally I believe the shutdown is a waste of time and money. It affects everyone who depends on the government and everyone who will need to depend on the government. Why punish people who aren't the reason congress can't pull together?  What about the people who want to actually visit the national parks and museum's but, can't because the government wants to take a mini vacation? The fact that soldiers still have to serve their country and if they pass away while in combat their families won't even receive benefits is just down right ridiculous.
      There are just too many things going on in this country that congress should be worrying about. Yet the budget and healthcare seem to be the most important issue right now. We have homeless people in our country that's in need of help but don't get it because they can't afford to. Then there's the people who work for the government but won't receive a paycheck due to the shutdown. How are they supposed to survive? Can't pay bills or feed your family if you don't have money coming in.
     You also have the ignorant crowd who seems to think that just because you're receiving assistance from the county that you're just lazy and need to go work anyway. Well I know people who work and receive assistance and still are unable to make ends meet sometimes. What's so wrong with receiving a little bit of help? Absolutely nothing unless of course you are one of the people whom abuse the system for example there' a video that has gone viral over YouTube and Facebook stating that someone needs to pay for her 15 children. It's actions like this that makes everyone assume anyone getting benefits are just abusing them. Which I know this is a long shot but I'm pretty sure she is. That's just my opinion what's yours? 
     I know there's more that can be said about the government shutdown, but honestly there's no point especially since they've miraculously reached an agreement. 
Yeah my mouth dropped too.


  1. I feel for the kids because they don't understand what is truly going on, but the mom should not fully blame the government. She decided to have all those kids so for the long run she should've prepared herself to take care of them. There are some people who truly need assistants and some who go overboard having multiple kids and not working with a steady income.

  2. The thing that annoys me about the government shutdown is all the things that they close down that can very well be run without the government. Closing down monuments and memorials? That is absolutely absurd. I also agree with with you on the fact that the government forces us to be dependent on it. That if it ever shuts down, everyone has to face the consequences, people who have nothing to do with why it even shutdown.
