Saturday, October 26, 2013

Mr. President....

Now everybody knows America isn't in it's best shape. We currently have a President who's trying to fix our economy, healthcare, job problems. How serious should a President be taken whether you like him or not? The video I'm about to share shows the difference between how Obama shook hands with a white person compare to a black person. In my opinion, as President you should shake hands like a gentlemen no matter who it is. To me, he could be talking all slang and/or ghetto with black people and when he's around white folks he would have a sudden change to gentlemen like. Now watch this video and tell me what you think.

I love sports and pay every day attention to it. I have noticed our President have spent a lot of time attending sport games along with meeting with champions every year to celebrate their 1st place at the White House. With America falling down to the ground I believe our President should focus more on building it back up and putting America back on it's feet instead of trying to be the "cool" President everybody always wanted. With this video it shows me he has two sides like how he would treat an individual base on color or could be other things I haven't noticed. Everybody should be treated the "right" way especially coming from the man everybody should respect. I don't want our President to have two sides to him. Please do share you opinions.


  1. I have to disagree with you. We have to consider the nature of both shakes and in reality either one is not more "white" or "gentlemen" like than the other. I think your opinion /argument plays the racial stereotype card a little too hard. I actually believe President Obama's handshake with Durant was much more intimate and common than the shake with the other guy. We then can very well deem it more "gentlemen" like. Second, who would not want to hug him!! Well maybe people who don’t know who he is (that was a shot at your credibility as a real sports fan) its KEVIN DURANT!!!! Bro!!

  2. I know there are several types of handshakes and you're correct maybe I was going at racial stereotyping a little too harsh. But imagine how they would communicate maybe in front of a crowd. Using slang, calling each other the offensive N word, how would you react? I know most "important" people have two sides, one that hides to make them look good and one that's the bad side. Just a thought.
