Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Beauty Achievement... I think Not.

Beauty achievement… I think not.

When I found this article and read about this upcoming trend where it’s considered to be a beauty achievement if you have a high gap – to become so slender that your thighs don’t touch even when your feet are together. “Experts in eating disorders are concerned about internet-fueled trends in which teenage girls and young women pursue an unrealistic and dangerous weight-loss goal” (Salter). Issues that focus a negative view on a certain body part has always been a common problem, but since the media and the internet has taken a hold of the attention and persuasion of knowing what’s popular and what’s not. They are able to exploit those body concerns to a whole new level. When I read this article I was astonished about how today’s society thinks it’s a beauty achievement to be so thin and unhealthy and encourage young girls that the only way to be considered beautiful is to have an eating disorder. I think the obsession of obtaining this unrealistic figure is sickening and really don’t understand why our culture believes that this is how women should look like – stick figured, one grape a day, thin obsessed girls. What’s really mind blowing is that the media is focusing their attention to young preteen girls and influencing them to believe that they need to be a size zero if they want to fall into the stereotypic view of what’s the ideal body image. And if you don’t meet this criteria then you’re considered plus size and not what society thinks is beautiful.


Salter, Jim. "Social Media fuel dangerous weight-loss goal." MSN News. Associated Press, 05 10 2013. Web. 15 Oct 2013.
"Thigh Gap Surfaces as teenage girls new obsession" Online Video Clip. YouTube. YouTube, 27 Mar. 2013 Web. 16 Oct. 2013.

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