Thursday, October 17, 2013

Do it for the Vine

A new trend for smart phone users is an app called Vine, where it allows the user to create a video only lasting six seconds long. It is then posted and shared for your followers, anyone who views your profile, or can be revined by your followers for others to see. The user can also hashtag popular things to have their videos receive more views and likes and possibly even revines. If the users videos become popular enough then that user could become "vine famous" and host a super vine which is where their followers/fans meet the famous vine user at a public place and they make vines with everyone in it.
A lot of vine famous users get together and create vines with each other to receive more views and to keep their fans entertained by not always posting the same sort of thing. Most vines that become popular are either funny or crazy or a mixture of both. If a user can make a creative vine post and get others to revine it they are likely to gain a lot of followers and that user begins to live for the vine and creates multiple vines a day instead of just posting one when they felt like it they feel like they have to post more often to keep their followers. One vine famous user, Jessi Smiles, has talked about how hard it can be because she gets a lot of hate from not only her followers but from other vine famous users. She said she often feels the pressure to make a funny or creative vine that captures people's attention and others judge her based on what she posts.
Other vines that become famous are because people are doing crazy and most likely unsafe things. Many people have started using the saying "do it for the vine" as a reason to create a crazy video to share with others in hopes to get famous or to cause attention to themselves. These things are often dumb but the user doesn't seem to care as long as it gets attention. Some people do not see this as a problem and just as a form of entertainment but these vines may start as harmless but could easily become harmful. What would you do for the vine?

1 comment:

  1. It seems as if Vine and SnapChat have become a way to send capture and share a whole moment quickly and easily to share with just friends or the entire world. Every party I go to my drunken friends spend half the time Vining and snapchatting each others drunken stupidity and sending them to each other, mutual friends, and strangers. Often removing themselves from the actual moment and witnessing it behind the the screen of their phone on loop.
