Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What Does The Fox Say?

Have any of you heard the song "What does the fox say?" by Ylvis? If not, I would be truly surprised as I think every one on facebook, twitter, and other social medias were talking about it. It is too funny and I swear the man making it has to be on some kind of drugs. I literally laughed so hard when I saw it for the first time, the second time, the third time, and still when I watch it now (about the twentieth time).

Ylvis was on the Ellen show even and the day before he was going to be there she was saying how they had to be on some type of drugs too (she was "joking" but...was she?) Every one has their own sense of humor obviously so some may not find it as funny as others. Take a peak at the video if you haven't already seen it.

What makes a song like that become so popular? While watching it you can't help but wonder where these people come up with songs such as this one. They are dressed up like dogs, cats, elephants, mice, seals, foxes, horses, and more. Describing what each animal says and then breaks down into "what does the fox say?". He's singing all calm and then BAM he's suddenly in a fox suit (I'm laughing just while writing this). There have been other songs like this in the past that were popular for some time but now we don't even hear of them any more. They just fade out and then we hear another new song shortly after. Why do you think silly songs become so popular, besides the fact that they are catchy and annoyingly stuck in your head all day? Oh and one more thing, I can guarantee you that you will see a lot of people dressed up as foxes this Halloween.


  1. Oh goodness, my little brother goes around the house singing this! He also blasts it on his speakers. I found it to have absolutely no meaning, but not going to lie... its pretty catchy! Gosh, what is music coming too! :)

  2. When i first heard this song i was like it not too bad. once those animal noise came on..i was like GAMEOVER!

  3. I sure this song is so crazy. I heard it on Ellen and I thought it was so funny, but a lot of people like so it depends on your sense of humor.
