Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Future Technology

Technology is everywhere today. Many technology we use in our everyday life are laptops, desktops, phones, and even iPad. With technology moving forward every advancing on what we can do and the data we store; but where are we at today and were are we going in the future?

One new technology advances we are implementing our the Google Glasses
Google glasses are basic glasses with a small screen that acts like a computer! This screen can record, take photos, show time and weather and much more. This is a big leap to what to come next.

Another thing that will be used in the future are self driving cars! It drives it self on many roads and will reduce the amount of drunk divers on the road.

Here is just a quick video of what technology may look like in the future. 


  1. It's going to be interesting to see how technology will continue to play a bigger role in our everyday lives, and what new advances it might take in our future. I found this article interesting because technology is such a big part of our lives nowadays. Whether that's our cell phones, computers, whatever. We are undoubtedly surrounded by technology every day, and it has an impact on our lives some way or another.

  2. Looking back to my parents generation and the technical advances the world has made in such a short amount of time should scare us. Technology is taking over the work force, replacing people with machines. Why not do so, it's more cost efficient, or is it? Many americans have lost their jobs due to technology, which in the end tax payers pay for the lost wages of another.

    In the next twenty years can you even imagine how the world will be? I mean I can remember when the first cell phone came out when I was in elementary, in the 1990's. Yeah that was twenty years ago, but think about twenty years from now! Mind blowing. Technology scares me and it should scare you too. Technology is slowly taking over the world, forget about zombies, technology!

  3. I think it's great to move on to newer and newer technology as it will help us understand more about our world. Science is great and I hope that we can improve our ways of living with this technology. There are always new inventions that are helping us to move in the right direction. I think that 10 more years and it's going to be hard trying to distinguish the virtual reality from the real life everyday. It's going to be a fun experience and see technology grow into something new.
