Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Halloween: Then And Now

Back in the 1950's or so, 'All Hallows Eve" also known as Halloween, was a day where people would dress up as witches, ghosts, and goblins. Sometimes just something really simple. It was a time to dress up as scary as you possibly could. And believe it or not, Halloween used to be a day for adults. Yes, adults. They would dress themselves up as scary as they could, and go out and act mischievous. While There was trick or treating, the most common costume was a scary one, one often homemade. Now I am not saying that all costumes from the 1950's were scary, but their intent was to dress up as something they are not, or something fun, or funny looking. Now, in the twenty first century, Halloween for teenage girls mostly, has turned into "who can have the most scandalous costume". It is almost like a competition now on who has the "hottest body" or who looks the best  in the most scandalous costume.Looking at these costumes, they are Disney Princess's, I think. Most of the costume is non existent that it is almost hard to tell what they really are totally.  Halloween has gone from dressing up for fun to dressing up for sexy. Which makes Halloween not as fun as we get older cause who wants to go to a party and see that super skinny tan girl hardly covered up? If given the choice on which time era I would like to spend Halloween in, I would say the 1950's, hands down.


  1. I agree i also find that if you do dress up super scary people think you strange because they aspect woman to dress in this scantly costumes and parade around trying to show off who has the best body. Great post to bring up this topic!

  2. I agree completely. Women and mostly teenagers try to show off themselves in their costume rather than keep the tradition alive. It's hard to take little children outside to trick-or-treat, because in these years they see things they shouldn't.
