Thursday, October 17, 2013

"What's your excuse?"

Fitness mom, Maria Kang, has made some headline news on Fox, CBC, ABC, Kathie Lee & Hoda, NY Daily online, and countless other nation-wide broadcast shows.

The controversy sparked after Kang posted a family photo on her Facebook account with her children, ages 8months to 3years, with a statement "What's your excuse?" headlining the photograph. While many applauded the 32yearold mom on maintaining her great shape, a flood of scrutiny poured in from people who openly labeled her as "Self-righteous" and a "Bully". Of the people who were against the photo, some stated her 'tone' was the biggest issue.

What do you think? Was Kang acting as if she was the excuse-ridden Almighty fitness queen? Do we as a society take offense to others statements too quick and rash?

Personally, I say "Go Kang!". If you Google 'what's your excuse?' in Google images thousands of motivational pictures of people working out pop up. Most of them being those who lost a limb of some sort. Why doesn't anybody scrutinize them? Because they're handicapped? They overcame tough goals and obstacles in their fitness routines. Anyone with children would know how finding time to workout seems like mission impossible, let alone with three young ones. She was proud of what she accomplished and stated, to what I believe is, a truth.

Kathie Lee, a host from the Kathie Lee & Hoda Today show, stated "...people react to something like that because it's their worst fear. They know there's some truth to it." We get very defensive when the truth smacks us in the face. Which is why I think there is such controversy over this simple photo. I would normally feel like this isn't news worthy except for that it opens the gate to how sensitive our society is now a days.

On a news show shortly before this was a story about a New Hampshire school which made the decision to ban the childhood staple game of Tag. All over the news we are hearing about more and more schools banning physical education programs, reorganizing school lunches to offer healthier foods, child obesity rates rising to staggering numbers, our First Lady, Michelle Obama, is on a well known mission to get our kids fit again. We are a society who frankly has become lazy, but is obsessed with body image. In my opinion, Kang didn't mean anything malicious by her photo statement, but it's an eye opener to the truth and people are hating her for it.



  1. Personally, I believe this photo has a lot of motivational power, and in no way was intended to be what people have made it out to be now. Photo captions can't really convey a mood or tone, but I honestly don't think this woman ever set out to "bully" anyone haha. This would have motivated me, seeing how she has managed to fit in in her schedule, why couldn't I?! And I do agree with your statement about how our society has become more lazy... I mean, if you look at it, all these so called advancements are to make our lives easier and easier, thus we have to exert less energy.. things as simple as getting up to change the channel, or walk to the phone, are simply gone.

  2. I find those "what's your excuse" annoying cause they're arrogant. Just because a guy with one leg climbs Mount Everest should I do the same? No, cause I have absolutely no interest in doing so, but her targeted audience is people looking for motivation to get fit. My sister saves tons of these motivational fitness pictures to help her get the body she wants and it works for her. People are very sensitive when they're being judged and they need to work on being more tolerant towards these things. If her photos are helping inspire people to work towards their goal, let her continue doing what she does.

  3. I agree with you that she did not mean any harm by posting this photo. I think she meant it to help motivate people and show others that if she can do it while raising kids then anyone can do it. She should not be punished for trying to help people get up and start moving. Lately everything is done with very little exercise or it seems easier to grab fast food for dinner instead of making something at home but then people wonder why they have gained weight. If people put in the effort and stopped making excuses and started making time to change then they would see progress. I think people had a problem with the photo because they are jealous and want to change their life they are just to lazy to.
