Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Just in time for Halloween I thought this would be a great "spooky" subject to write about that we are all wondering the same thing...why does our society LOVE zombies? If there was a zombie apocalypse what would we do? From movies, t.v. shows, culture, religions and comic book we just can't get enough. Some sort of zombie apocalypse isn't actually possible, right?

But just in case one was to come around here are some defense mechanisms:
  • Don't panic
  • Get away from the zombies. Most of the time, you can move faster than they can.
  • If possible, retreat to a shopping mall, general retail store or other location where you'll have easy access to food and supplies
Also, avoid common mistakes like:
  • Sheltering in a vehicle to which you do not have the keys
  • Leaving blades, cudgels or other basic weapons out for zombies to find
  • Teaching zombies how to use firearms
  • Giving your only weapon to anyone who is hysterical
  • Getting into an elevator in a building infested with zombies
  • Letting personal feelings and arguments get in the way of survival 
Seems easy enough right;)

So why is our society so obsessed with zombies? How could we not love these diseased, oozing, probably smelly, uncanny versions of us that only want to eat our skin and ruin our lives and destroy the world?! We have zombie walks, pub crawls, art, movies, TV shows, clothing — everything. Everything is zombie crazed! Why do we love something that just dies in the end-everybody. Not just your favorite character, or a cute little dog, or an innocent child — everybody. If you really want to know why we love them so this video film critic by Robin Wood: I think you will enjoy:)

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting to think about how obsessed or society is with zombies. We cannot take our eyes off of zombie movies or TV shows. Many of my friends would spend their entire weekend watching every single Walking Dead episode that they could get a hold of. I am the same way, I absolutely love the movie recently released, World War Z. I think that our generation is so attached to this genre of entertainment because it is often very suspenseful. Also, it is very effective at getting peoples imaginations working.
