Thursday, October 17, 2013

What Does the Fox Say?!

"What Does the Fox Say?!"
This is a phrase from a song "The Fox" by Ylvis.
I think many of you have heard this phrase. Some of you might be sick of hearing it, but I love the song! This song is very catchy and silly as heck, which makes the song the best!

If you haven't listened the song, just click the video on left and watch and listen, but you need to prepare yourself that this is not the song you are expecting to see...

This song spread very fast especially to young people such as high school and college students (Late teens to early twenties)

The song proposes a number of different possible fox vocalizations such as...

“A-hee-ahee ha-hee”

 There is no way the fox would say something like this! I think that's why this song is very popular and hilarious.

I think music needs to change like this "Entertaining" style. When I was in Junior High and high school, I listened tons of music, but then when I graduated high school, I stopped finding new music and decided to listen a bunch of old music that I liked.

Same as me, lots of my friends have kind of some similar issues. They just don't bother finding new music and listen music that they already have.

I wouldn't say all people are like us. I can tell there are still people who is always looking for great music to listen, but people around me including myself just don't really care too much about music since we have tons of things to do in our lives.

However, I really enjoyed to listen and actually watch this youtube music video of "The Fox" a lot. Whenever I go to a party, someone always plays this song and everyone just goes crazy while listening the song.

What I'm getting from this song is whenever someone makes new songs especially if they have music video for them, they should do something new like this and get attention from everyone. I'm not saying they should be silly like this and I know there are tons of different types of songs, but I don't really see "New Things" from music lately, but this song was totally new to me and had really fun listening it. All songs aren't very new to me which was why I wasn't really bother listening new songs.


  1. I also think this song is successful because the concept is completely different. This is not an average love or break up song. This relates back to Gangnam style, as the reason these seemingly random songs become so loved and popular is because they seemingly appear from the world of randomness.

  2. I think making these type of music and having a weird video is a great way to get the people's attention, but i personally don't like the song. It's super catchy like Rebecca Black's Friday song. But now sometimes i just get annoyed of it. Like how the producer of Rebecca Black's song just recently produced a song called "I Love Chinese Food". It does get a lot of attention, but it can be sort of racist or sort of weird.

  3. I never understood why songs like these became so popular. Gangam style is a korean song and the guy singing it says like 2 english words. However it became the number one song in the United States for a week. It would be hlarious seeing people trying to sing along with the song. They could not properly pronounce any of the words. Another example was the Harlem Shake. What was that about? Lets just say most people in America has a different taste in music.
