Video games have become a large part of the lives of many in today's society. I find the amount of time that many people spend on video games alarming. It greatly affects many parts of the lives of people who spend an excessive amount of time on gaming systems. Some of my friends can play nonstop for hours and hours, putting off homework and many other healthier alternatives to playing video games. I think that it perfectly depicts the stereotypical American lifestyle, sitting on a couch playing video games and nothing else. There have been many studies don't on the effects of video game on people it play it for long periods. Conclusions from multiple studies state that video games obstruct people from achieving academic goals. Also, many people believe that playing violent video games will in turn make the person playing those games more aggressive and violent. I find that to be a ridiculous assumption, almost all of my friends spend a significant amount of time playing violent video games such as Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto, and most of them are some of the nicest people I know, and I have know of no one that has become violent because of a video game. There are proven positives to playing video games as well, they can help children to develop better and can actually improve social interaction, contrary to popular belief that people who play video games become secluded. Not only that but they can also help stroke victims recover by helping them gain their motor skills again. What do you guys think, do video games help or hurt our society as a whole?
As a video gamer, I agree with what you are saying. Some people say "Video Games make you crazy" or something like that. I really hate to hear that kind of silly comments; however, we do need to think if it's true or not. For us the college students, we are adults already. We should be able to control ourselves for everything, so video games don't really do anything to us. (We could use violent language while playing it though...?) but what if very young kids plays and really liked the violent games? Don't you think there is possibilities that they might lose their control and kill someone in real life? I do think so, and in fact, there are kids that killed their friends because of that. To avoid that, video games have age-rating system, but i don' think that's a perfect way to stop for kids to getting video games. stupid parent might just buy it and give it to them. this problem is actually very very difficult to deal with.
As a video gamer, I agree with what you are saying. Some people say "Video Games make you crazy" or something like that. I really hate to hear that kind of silly comments; however, we do need to think if it's true or not. For us the college students, we are adults already. We should be able to control ourselves for everything, so video games don't really do anything to us. (We could use violent language while playing it though...?) but what if very young kids plays and really liked the violent games? Don't you think there is possibilities that they might lose their control and kill someone in real life? I do think so, and in fact, there are kids that killed their friends because of that. To avoid that, video games have age-rating system, but i don' think that's a perfect way to stop for kids to getting video games. stupid parent might just buy it and give it to them. this problem is actually very very difficult to deal with.