Friday, October 25, 2013

Is Welfare Fair?

Did you know that welfare provides more than a minimum wage to non-working citizens of the United Staes? Why would someone work for less than they can get for free? I'm not saying everyone takes advantage of welfare but it really came to my attention when I, back at 22 years old, college student with three jobs, working harder than most to achieve goals, had to pay in 500 dollars in taxes in 2010. Now lets say I had a kid or two, this wouldn't be the case. I could get assistance to provide for my family. I'm not saying it is the kids fault, i just think there should be some kind of service done in exchange to receive these benefits. Community service and volunteering in trade for welfare benefits would be fair. More restrictions could also help our country get out of debt.

According to the Department of Commerce of the United States of America; 12,800,000 people are supported by welfare, 46,700,000 people use food stamps, and 5,600,00 of americans are on unemployment. That is a lot of money taxpayers pay, try to do the math. Most people who receive welfare get it for 2 to 5 years.

It absolutely blows my mind as to why some people argue that there shouldn't be drug testing to receive welfare. Yes, it cost money to drug test someone but wouldn't you feel better if your tax dollars weren't being used to support a drug habit? Legal or not, spending welfare money on marijuana is a waste of taxpayers' dollars. Alcohol, gambling and addiction to video gaming should also have a level of evaluation.

Technically under my current income and monthly house hold expenses, I qualify to receive food stamps and assistance from the state. That's crazy, I am one hundred percent capable of providing for myself. Maybe i should use the resource because I am paying for it anyway. In the end, is it financially smarter to not work, be lazy, and collect free money? Land of the free, right?


  1. I agree with the drug testing. This has been a huge issue even for me. I have many immigrant families came from Laos and Thailand who lives off of welfare and doesn't have a problem with drug testing. I think it's unfair not to drug test people who are in the welfare program because like us working people, we were drug tested before getting hired on so why shouldn't people who are too lazy to work shouldn't be? That sounds like a fair plan to me. You could have drug dealers who's on the welfare program and receiving money for free. America wants drug uses to stop so drug testing for welfare should be a step. Low income family should get benefit help also but I think one of the main reasons why low income exist because so many things we humans need to survive are getting more expensive such as milk. Anything that we don't need to survive should be the expensive piece and be known as a "reward" to the people who's able to afford it.

  2. I agree to what you are saying. I think that drug testing people should not be a issuse because there are people who really do need it and there are some that is using it for their own high. also they need to check for thos who could work and have them go and work. If you make a little over you can't get help. I think that it BS. Like you say some of us work more then one jobs, have kids, and go to school but we can't get help and at the end end up paying back in taxes.
