Thursday, October 17, 2013

That's FaceBook Ratchet

We all have friends that seem to have no awareness or filter for whatever they post or comment on Social Media sites, sometimes we are even guilty of it ourselves. But imagine if we were to carry that same demeanor in our daily lives, everything we do would be so "FaceBook ratchet". So why is there a difference between face-to-face and online mannerism? The biggest reason why face-to-face and online mannerisms differ is because the consequences of our online statement or actions aren't as apparent or direct as it would be if we were physically interacting.
      "The scandalous profile pic" This is an example of how people carry themselves differently from how they would normally. Expressing and carrying our image and appearance differently from how we would normally because of how online profiles allow less direct criticism and judgment. 
         Stigma There is a huge stigma that says online social media create problems for society because it causes people to not develop and exercise that crucial physical face-to-face interaction. It is very hard to believe that something which was created to make social interaction and networking easier and wider would have a negative effect on its self. The problem that a lot of people are incapable of being sociable already exists!! Online social media is a place where people express themselves without the pressure and guidelines of society. 

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