Thursday, October 17, 2013

WANTED: Starting Quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings!

The Minnesota Vikings are at it again.  What looked like a bright 2013-2014 season has quickly faded and has many fans asking, “When are we going to get a quarterback that can help us win?”  As a Vikings fan for many years, I’m once again torn about my beloved team trying to find a quarterback who can lead us to the championship.

It seems like every few years a new name is slotted as the starter for the Vikings. The legendary Brett Farve, Tarvais Jackson, Gus Frerotte, Brad Johnson, and Daunte Culpepper are just a few of the quarterbacks that haven been brought in the past decade.  No doubt there has been some success, such as the 2009 season in which the Vikings came within one interception of going to the Super Bowl.  Then of course there’s that magical 1998 season in which the Vikings went 15-1 only to lose by a field goal.  Yep, it takes a lot of dedication and a big heart to be a Vikings fan these past years.

Christian Ponder
Going with traditional, after two and half years with the Christian Ponder project the Minnesota Vikings are back to their old ways, switching to another quarterback who they hope can bring glory with the pickup of Josh Freeman.  Unlike most, I was quite intrigued with Ponder as the 12th pick of the 2011 NFL Draft.  Sure he was drafted higher than most analysts predicted, but Ponder at the time seemed to be the perfect fit for the offense even with his average arm strength.  The Vikings run a West Coast offense, a concept that relies on heavily running the ball and using short, quick passes to make the defense stay honest. Ultimately, great results would come from longer gains via runs or passes down the seams of defenses.  The theory works well on paper against the pass-happy NFL teams nowadays, allowing the Vikings to control the time of possession and not allowing quick scoring offenses to get on the field.  With this, there was no need for a strong-armed quarterback to lead the way like most teams. With the reigning NFL MVP running back Adrian Peterson, the first part was in place.  However, Ponder was never able to consistently show the traits of a decisive and competent leader who could take the Vikings to the next level.  After another highly ineffective start to the season, Christian Ponder has been indefinitely benched. 

Josh Freeman
Will Josh Freeman be the Vikings quarterback of the future? History unfortunately suggests our franchise will have a new one in a few years. I just hope Freeman shows his talent our next home game and lead the Vikes to a win, or I will be once again scolding myself for spending a couple of hundred bucks on football tickets only to see them lose…  again. 


  1. We just need to lose every single game and pray for a 1st round draft pick so we can build off a new quarterback. None of these Quarterbacks are competent enough to give Adrian Peterson any help. You can't break records when they stack 10 in the box for 1 guy.

  2. Vikes are horrid this season and are in need of some restructuring badly. Fire this person or that person we need motivation. And a fresh outlook going into this transition period and forward. crossing my fingers for some new blood to turn on this old franchise.
